NEA Chess Independence Classic Registrations as of 2/16/2025

July 5th and 6th Location: A Time to Dance 5360 Hwy 49 South Paragould AR 72450 Entry Fee- Adults $30 Advanced Registration /$40 Onsite Registration K-12 Students $10 Advanced Registration/ $20 Onsite Registration FREE ENTRY for Masters (USCF 2200+) Entry fee deductible from prizes. Registration online, pay online or on-site. On site registration starting @2:00 PM on Friday, July 5th and closes promptly @2:45 PM. No refunds after 2:45PM on Friday. All ages and skill levels are welcomed. USCF Membership required to play and can be purchased online at or in person at the tournament. Cash Prizes awarded to top 3 players Call 870 586 3004 for questions

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Section: Open
Adults not over 2200 USCF register here
Player NameRatingUSCFExp.ClassSchoolGrade
Pruett,Joshua*19821278114805/31/2025 A  
Hill, Paul16001242140412/31/2099 B  
Hampton, Mark14081247793611/30/2024 #expiredC  
Carlson, Zachariah13811284195603/31/2025 D  
Tate, Nicholas03192091506/30/2025 Unrated  
Section Total: 5 Players
Section: K-12 Players
K-12 Players Register Here
Player NameRatingUSCFExp.ClassSchoolGrade
Donham, William 19441574745501/31/2024 #expiredAWHALL12
Webber,Owen*1085P3062405501/31/2026 E  
Durham, Canyon1031P3184389704/30/2025 EHOXSr12
Johnston, Maxwell*804P31843943 FHOXSr9
Burton, Travers[Need Membership Info]OTHER: International Studies Magnet School Jonesboro AR5
Durham, Sawyer*[Need Membership Info]HOXSr10
Section Total: 6 Players


Total - All Sections: 11 Players.

* = Needs to Pay Registration Fee - PLEASE CONTACT TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR
#expired = Renew your USCF Membership before the tournament.
- = Withdrawn
If you need to have changes made to your registration, please email the Tournament Director.